CE Certificate
SafeTPen™ FAQs
What are the advantages to using SafeTPen™
- Easy to use
- Reduces possibility of a phenol spill
- Controlled amount delivered to each patient
- A tapered tip to assist with more accurate delivery of phenol to the nail matrix
- Readily visible phenol through incorporation of medical dye
Why is the SafeTPen™ coloured blue, I thought phenol was a clear liquid?
A blue dye has been blended to the phenol, so that it
- Allows the practitioner to ensure the application of phenol is to the matrix
- Helps a practitioner see more clearly where the phenol is being applied during surgery, reducing the potential of phenol to be administered to surrounding tissue by mistake and causing the potential of burning intact skin
- You can see if ampoule containing the phenol has been damaged prior to use
If a patient has an allergy to dye (e.g. hair, shoe, food etc.) can I still use the SafeTPen™?
- The advice on the use of the SafeTPen™ on a patient with any allergies to dye would be NOT to use the product and seek an alternative method of ablation. Whilst a reaction is unlikely, it cannot be guaranteed
Why is the SafeTPen™ 0.4mls?
- Contains 100% more phenol than current market brands
- To prevent spillage and excessive use of Phenol during the nail ablation
- To reduce the risk of cross infection when undertaking the matrix ablation on a Bi-lateral partial nail avulsion
Why is there a glass ampoule inside a plastic delivery casing?
- Phenol within a glass bottle is a more stable product, reducing evaporation and absorption of moisture from the atmosphere which is a common occurrence when encased in a plastic tube/bottle. Because the liquid phenol is stored within a glass ampoule in SafeTPen™, we have been able to give the practitioner a longer shelf life on the product.
- So you can identify before opening the packaging if there has been leakage of phenol during transportation
By using the glass ampoule and the plastic delivery system, doesn’t that increase the production cost and the cost to me?
- The manufacturing costs have increased, however what we are providing is a safer delivery system to you and your patient when undertaking nail surgery procedures.
Can I receive a cut from the glass ampoule when breaking it to release the phenol, like I can with the adrenaline ampoules?
- The risk of a cut is minimal due to the glass ampoule remaining inside of the strong plastic delivery casing when breaking the ampoule
- Ensuring that the polyester tip remains in situ will prevent the glass tip from exuding from the tube and also the potential for increased phenol flow rate
What is the risk of leakage during transit?
- There is minimal risk of phenol leakage during transport due to the inner glass ampoule, plastic delivery device and the packaging, making it arguably the safest product on the market
- SafeTPen™ has been tried and tested for breakages and has withstood being dropped from a height of 4m and thrown a distance of 10m
- If for any reason there has been an issue with the ampoule breaking you will be able to quickly identify this through the blue dye being within the plastic delivery case, therefore we recommend you dispose of it in the medical waste. Don’t open the outer packet
What do I do if I can see the liquid inside the plastic casing?
- Dispose of it straight away in the medical waste – Don’t open the paper packet it is contained in
How do I clean up the phenol if I have got some onto a work surface or floor?
- Wear PPE to protect yourself
- Put absorbent swabs over the spillage, so that the phenol is absorbed / collected off the surface and dispose of these swabs in the medical waste bin
- Wash the surface with water, don’t use water spray as this could make the phenol an aerosol, disposing of any towel or swabs to clean the water up in the medical waste
When I used the multi-use bottles the room smelled from the fumes of the phenol, will this be the same with the SafeTPen™?
- Smell associated with phenol will always be present, however with SafeTPen™ you aren’t decanting the phenol from a multi-use bottle to a galli-pot therefore there will be minimal fumes released
How do I dispose of the SafeTPen™ once I have completed the surgery?
- Place the SafeTPen™ at the end of the procedure back into the clear plastic packaging and seal across the top
- SafeTPen™ is disposed of in the medical waste as per local guidelines and protocols.